Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Should Moussaui Receive the Death Penalty? http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/03/us/03moussaoui.html

Moussaui is the name of the man who claims responsibility behind the treacherous September 11th attacks and it is him who is in the hot seat right now as he is the first person to be tried for crimes directly connected to this horrific day in American history. The jury selected has found him guilty. With sentencing deliberations in its 7th day, the question on the mind of the jury is whether or not this man should receive the death penalty for the things that he has done?

With the emotions floating around this issue, especially coming from family members of the 9/11 victims, the answer most certainly would be "Yes, kill that terrorist immediately!!" Most people would agree with this, but I am not most people. With the death penalty implemented on this person, the chance for rehabilitation is no more. What is the purpose of prison? Certainly it serves the purpose of punishment. There have been many cases throughout history where former inmates have gone back into society feeling guilt for their crimes and trying to change their ways by being all that they can be. Why should that not be the same for this person named Moussaui? Should he not be able to spend life in jail and think about what he has done and then die of natural causes to be judged before God on that given day? Why should the United States judicial system play God and kill that man?

I know many people would not agree with what I am saying, but to wrap up this post, I want to say that the death penalty has shown up time and time again in history and has been frowned upon. Just because the death penalty is possibly going to be implemented on a terrorist does not make it right all of a sudden and that is what the case is totally. Despite what Moussaui did, he is still human and humans should try to help other humans. He should have his chance to rehabilitate in prison so that he can help other inmates and become an asset to our society and not another hole in the ground.


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